What is 180?
Sometimes we need to turn away from the distractions of the world and turn towards God. “180” at FPCC is an opportunity to drop what we’re doing and reconnect: with each other and with Christ. It’s one night a week (Wednesday) where our church comes together for fellowship and bible-study. It is aimed primarily for those in our congregation who worship with us on Sunday morning and want to continue that during the week to grow closer to God and each other.
We have a simple Dinner served from 6pm to 6:30pm with either Spaghetti provided or Potluck alternating each week. Clean-up is a joint effort and is done before the 7pm studies begin.
We then have Bible Studies from 7pm until 8pm
To stay in the loop for 180 schedule and announcements please sign up to our Constant Contact list here.
To sign up and be responsible for a certain role, please sign up using our SignUpGenius here.
Dinner Roles
Review how we did last week for cleanup etc. Do we need more help etc.
Have a paper print out of the sign-up schedule
Keep the sign-ups updated
Check food inventory each week
Overseeing cleanup starting at 6:35 – Pick one person from each table which jobs to do
Make sure trash gets taken out. Oversee the sign-ups, reminders, inventory, cooking, serving, cleanup all happen on time for a smooth & successful event
Potluck night – paper
Setup Helper
Bit more social
Chief Cook
Cooking Helper
Bible Studies Roles
Study Leaders
Contact the Pastor or the office@fpccwakefield.org to find out more about the responsibilities and process