Serve the Community

Want to connect about serving the community?
ConnectFirst Parish members are committed to community service and support Wakefield, the North Shore, and communities around the world.
Local Service
- Monthly community breakfasts, open to the public and those in need
- Monthly Clothing Closet ministry that regularly collects, organizes, and distributes clean clothing and shoes
- First Parish Food Pantry collects and distributes non-perishable food items
- Twice a year (Easter and Thanksgiving) First Parish hosts holiday suppers for the lonely, elderly, or in need of support and fellowship
- Periodic drives to meet emergent needs of the world around us (sock drives, diaper drives, Ukraine relief fund, etc.)
- A pie social after the Wakefield tree lighting to kick off Christmas season with hospitality and love for our local community
- Collecting and shipping Christmas gifts to children around the world through Operation Christmas Child
- Financial and prayer support for missionaries around the world
- Scouts: regularly host Scout Troop 701 for regular meetings and events
- Addiction Support: sponsor regular meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous to help support recovery from addiction
To extend our reach, we provide financial support to the following missions and missionaries:
- Amirah, Inc. (helping survivors of domestic sex trafficking & exploitation through residential, outreach, and education services.)
- Boston Rescue Mission (feeding the hungry, sheltering he homeless, working to prevent end homelessness)
- Emmanuel Gospel Center (strengthening Christian churches and leaders in Boston and beyond to strengthen urban churches and communities)
- His Mansion (a Christ-centered residential recovery program for people struggling with addiction and life controlling issues)
- Hope Academy of the Bronx (providing Christ-centered education to challenge and equip undereducated at-risk students in The Bronx to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength and to live for God’s glory.)
- Wakefield Food Pantry (provide a variety of food, household necessities, and support to those in need – approximately 500 families/year).
- Place of Promise (Based in Lowell, MA, provides Christ-centered programming for men, women, and children to experience physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual healing.)
- Salvation Army (runs charity shops, operates shelters for the homeless and disaster relief, and provides humanitarian aid to developing countries.)
- Vision New England (building, supporting, and equipping networks and ministries that make disciples, do justice, and foster unity to share Jesus)
- First Parish Living Nativity (Live re-enactment of the birth of Jesus, with actors, animals, and songs, to kick off the Christmas season on the Wakefield Town Common)
- Missionaries located in Massachusetts, Michigan, Washington, Niger, India, Southeast Asia, and Japan.