With the coming of May, I always anticipate Mother’s Day! This is the time of year when we remember and honor our mother’s and honor them for all they did or continue to do for us.
A pastor was speaking on the radio a few days ago and said that as his mother was growing older, she lamented the fact that she had nothing to leave her children by way of monies or real estate. Her son reminded her that she had left him plenty. She didn’t quite understand so he reminded her of how she had poured her life into her children. The legacy was all the love and instruction and all the other contributions she had made to her family over many years of devotion and love.
My mom, Mabel passed away in December of 2013. Looking back, I still can’t believe it has been such a long time ago. Like the mom in the story, my mother didn’t have an estate to leave to her children, but the legacy of her love and patience, and her wisdom are things I will carry with me the rest of my life.
As we honor our mothers this month, let’s remember all the love and energy they poured into us. The legacy of their faith and hope, how to love and respect others, and even how to age gracefully.
As my mom used to say; “there’s no rest for the wicked and the righteous don’t need any,” or “getting old isn’t easy.” She was right, and I am thankful for all her sayings and all the memories that she gave to me.
Pastor John